The Campbells are going!
We had to close Powdermills Bed and Breakfast in early May and leave Argyll for a week to attend our son’s wedding in Mexico. He has been living in Mexico City for seven years after he met his bride whilst she was studying at the LSE and him at Imperial College. After he graduated, he announced that he was following the woman he loved back to Mexico. All very romantic.
So, a little piece of Scotland transferred to Mexico to celebrate the culmination of a wonderful love story. The traditions and the culture of the Scots mingled with the vibrancy and customs of Mexican life. Many Scots travelled and wore with pride the kilts of their ancestors and provided a wonderful backdrop to the joyous day. Our son was dressed in an Ancient Campbell kilt and I even managed to wear my Ancient Campbell trousers.

It is ironic that so many people of Scottish heritage travel to stay with us here at Powdermills Bed and Breakfast in Inveraray, Argyll and here we were travelling to bear witness to the establishment of a enclave of Scotland in Mexico City.
There were many fantastic memories but one tradition that touched Sue and I was the gift of a traditional Mexican Tree of Life from the Bride’s mother. If you look closely the figures represent, a bagpiper (and yes the couple were piped in by a excellent piper), a Mariachi band member, the bride and groom, the groom’s and bride’s parents. It now sits pride of place in our lounge.